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Photography Businesses For Sale

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Details - 1 Hr Photo & Studio
Orange County
65,000 65,000
FILM DEVELOPING/ONE HOUR PHOTO(FILM DEVELOPING/ONE HOUR PHOTO): One hour photo & studio. Located in Convention Center. Call Frank @ ext 102 for more information.
Details - Photo Studio & 1 Hr Photo
Orange County
168,000 168,000 156,000 84,000 2,000
FILM DEVELOPING/ONE HOUR PHOTO(FILM DEVELOPING/ONE HOUR PHOTO): Portrait photo studio caters mostly young people. Newly equipment with many different backgrounds for pictures. Easy operation. Call Tony @ (714)828-3847 for more information.
Details - Photo Lab
Fort Myers Beach
45,000 45,000 106,572 23,403 52,000
PHOTOGRAPHY(PHOTO LAB): Complete photo processing lab. Has state of the art computer & program for digital processing. Business can be grown substantially with aggressive operator marketing photo services to resorts. This business took photos of casino boat passengers & did very well. Also does great poster business, digital enhancements and novelties.
Details - Professional Photographic Equipment/Studio Rental
725,000 725,000 632,243 258,212 601,000
PHOTOGRAPHY(PHOTO STUDIO): Company rents professional photo equipment (camera, lighting and grip) and studio space (indoor, rooftop, and outdoor areas) for photographers and production companies shooting for magazines and fashion related clients. Great growth potential in the film and digital media consumable sales, video, digital post-production tasking. Company maintains an up-to-date inventory of professional grade photo equipment in a location that is surrounded by entrancing views of the beaches, ocean and art deco structures. Business is relocatable. Tax returns reflect "cash basis" method of accounting.
Details - Well Est Camera Shop
South Florida
85,000 85,000 120,000 90,000 106,000
Photography, Photo Labs and Studios(Commercial Photography): CAMERA REPAIR SHOP - Established 20 years - One Owner - Does the service for all the major camera stores in the United States- Police Departments - Department of Transportation, etc. - Commercial and Residential customers. Huge Inventory - Thousands of cameras in stock for resale and or parts - Well established - Very simple, easy operation - Pressure free business - Short Hours - No employees. Skills required: Camera Repair. Please refer to listing #164-3391 and ask for broker #15 when inquiring.
Details - Ntl Franch Child & Pet Photography
Broward County
40,000 40,000 55,679 29,378 13,145
Photography, Photo Labs and Studios(Photography Studios, Portrait): NATIONAL FRANCHISE, home based, established child and pet photo biz. No royalties, exclusive Broward Cty. territory. Sellers have gotten biz started now have to sell. All required equipment and props included. Sellers work only 6 mos in pre-school, day care market, can expand into year round market. Sellers will train and training available from franchisor. Excellent opportunity to get into established and operating franchise business for about the cost of a new franchise. Please refer to listing #164-3572 and ask for broker #24 when inquiring.
Central Broward County
59,500 59,500 100,000 81,200 50,000
Photography, Photo Labs and Studios(Photography Studios, Portrait): This photography studio in Plantation, Fl. is a money maker. The owner shows profit of $46,000 per year on$60,000 gross sales. His sweetheart rent is only $600 per month. He has many accounts that will transfer to the new owner, and he has over $50,000 in equipment that goes with the business. Opening more hours for walk-ins would really improve the already good bottom line. Please refer to Listing #164-2002 and Broker #28 when inquiring.
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